Facility Access
Facility Access
Features and Functions
- Complete windows based application that connects to your iSeries
- Replaces your current ‘green screen’ facility access application
- Eliminates the need for expensive photo id membership cards
- Works with any third party digital or web camera
- Connects to Datacard or Identicard if photo id cards are still necessary
- Picture image preview and capture
- Picture image stored in Database file
- Perform access number maintenance during image capture process
- Picture image retrieval from the iSeries in less than 2 seconds
- Displays the member's picture and access information on one screen
- Display and change local settings
- Select member that ‘forgets key card’ process
- Member access process
- Member guest access process
- Other guest access process
- Picture maintenance works with Delete and Archive of the Member Service Center
- Picture remains when using Change & Combine of the Member Service Center
- Existing system table files and reports are fully compatible
- Easy to install
- Turnkey system ‐ up and running in about 15 minutes
- Install application from the web
- Retrieve updates from the web
- Conversion not necessary from your existing facility access application
- Desktop navigational system included